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Detoxification Foundations

OK, so "vaccine detox" has been quite the buzz phrase lately, and so let's go over quickly the foundational components to detoxification before getting into vaccines.


Our bodies, when working properly, are in a constant state of detox mode. We are internally methylating and creating metabolic waste and breaking down and removing toxins our bodies make as well as removing environmental toxins via our liver, lungs, GI system, urinary system, and skin. Did you know your skin is your largest organ of detoxification? Yes!  


The most encouraging aspect of keeping our detox pathways open is to not gunk them up in the first place. The more we put into our system, the higher the chance our detox systems will get overwhelmed and the less likely we are to remove toxicity efficiently. 


The key point I want to make is this: if you want a Vaccine Detox to work appropriately, you absolutely have to pay attention to ALL other routes of toxification also; the lotions you apply to your child's skin, the detergents you use, the household cleaners, the perfumes you wear, the pesticides in your food, the lawn and pest chemicals used in the home, etc. 


The very best Vaccine Detox you can do for your child is to limit excess toxicity in the first place. It is not going to matter much implementing a detox protocol when you continually re-toxify the body by means other than vaccines.


●  Limit sugar, high fructose corn syrup, trans fats, food colorings, preservatives, and additives.

●  Eat organic from the "Dirty Dozen" list.

●  Use organic, safe, non-toxic (preferably homemade) cleaning products in the home.

●  Use safe, nontoxic, natural sources of personal care products: ie. lotions and soaps on yourself and your child (I use coconut oil on my kiddo's skin, always have- inexpensive and completely natural).

●  Limit plastics.

●  Limit GMOs and chemicals on your lawn.

●  If you do not purchase organic cotton clothing, make sure to wash and dry new clothing on high heat for several washes before allowing your child to wear them.

●  Limit fluoride.


Now, once you've been able to successfully manage and implement the above bulleted items, you can continue reading.

Children Under 1 Year Of Age

Children under one year of age are most affected by vaccine injury due to their limited ability to methylate, to adapt to stress response, their neurological and immune systems are still forming connections and navigating their new environment. This is also the age group we must be most careful with when thinking to "detox." We want to think gentle and longer duration over time. In addition to the bulleted list above, my recommendations (the following may be implemented for months/years):

1. Epsom Salt Baths

Not more than 2 times per week. You will read many places on the internet not to use epsom salt in children under age 1. The main reason is because drinking the bath water will have very ill side effects: diarrhea, vomit, and dehydration. DO NOT ALLOW YOUR CHILD TO DRINK THE BATH WATER AND DO NOT LEAVE THEM UNATTENDED. 

     - Limit baths to not more than twice per week.

     - Baths should not be longer than 15-20 min.

     - Not more than 1/2 cup epsom salt when added to a sink bath

     - Not more than 1 cup epsom salt added to a bathtub bath

2. Castor Oil Tummy Rub

I recommend this to EVERYONE, no matter your age. 

     - Use an organic castor oil (glass bottle preferred)

     - Apply a small amount about the size of a quarter to your child's abdomen and rub in a clockwise circular motion every night at bedtime (make this a part of your nightly routine, even when not detoxing from vaccines).

3. VaxClear Detoxification Supplement

I formulated this organic herbal supplement for my daughter when she began vaccines. Each ingredient was chosen to either directly detox or support detox pathways. It is very gentle and can be used daily for detoxification support, even when not detoxing from vaccines. Like anything new, pay attention for signs of allergic reaction when introducing the VaxClear supplement for the first time.


VaxClear dosing begins at 10 lb. If your child should experience constipation or diarrhea, cut the dose in half or omit the product for now. Sometimes tiny tummies just aren't ready for detoxification support.


Each ingredient in our VaxClear supplement was carefully selected for their key functions:




● Chlorella Thallus (broken cell wall)

Binds Heavy Metals. Antioxidant. Immuno-Stimulant. Anti-Inflammatory. Chlorella’s immune-stimulatory effect, enhances natural killer cell activity and produces Th-1 cell-induced cytokines. Rich in iron, vitamin A, vitamin C, B-Complex vitamins, calcium, magnesium, zinc, antioxidants, amino acids, and essential fatty acids. Chlorella helps to detoxify and reduce constipation.

● Organic Turmeric Root

Anti-Inflammatory. Detoxifies the Liver. Turmeric is one of the most potent anti-inflammatory herbs, and is considered a “liver cooler,” prevents the liver from breaking down.

● Acerola Fruit

Antioxidant. Immune Protectant. Rich natural source of vitamin C, and also contains vitamin A, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin.

● Organic Cilantro Leaf

Anti-Inflammatory. Antioxidant. Binds Heavy Metals. Scientifically studied to safely reduce total body burden of lead and mercury.

● Organic Parsley Leaf

Immuno-Stimulant. Anti-Inflammatory. Rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, and naturally occuring folate (not to be concerned if you have MTHFR SNP). Helps to calm an over-stimulated immune response. Protects against oxidative stress and free-radical damage.

● Organic Burdock Root✧

Gentle Liver and Blood Cleanser. Supports the liver and elimination pathways. Protects against liver damage from toxic chemicals. Anti-inflammatory.

● Organic Milk Thistle Seed

Awesome Liver Protectant. Anti-Inflammatory. Milk Thistle Seed is one of the most important herbs to protect the liver from drugs, poisons, and environmental toxins.

● Organic Nettle Leaf✧

Anti-histamine. Nutritive. Powerful Th1-Th2 immune modulator used to calm Th2 dominant immune responses, such as aluminum and other heavy metals and environmental toxins.

● Organic Oatstraw Aerial Parts✧

Supports Nervous System Integrity. Oatstraw calms the nervous system and helps to reduce stress.

● Organic Rosehip Fruit

Antioxidant. Immune booster. Rich in vitamin C.



Children Older Than 1 Year Of Age

The older your kiddo, the easier it is to detox them with regards to what you may use. Their immune system is becoming more robust and the wiring of their neurological system is maturing. In addition to the bulleted list above (under "Detoxification Foundations," my recommendations (the following may be implemented for months/years):

1. Epsom Salt Baths

3-4 times per week. Drinking the bath water will have very ill side effects: diarrhea, vomit, and dehydration. DO NOT ALLOW YOUR CHILD TO DRINK THE BATH WATER AND DO NOT LEAVE THEM UNATTENDED. 

     - Baths may be 3-4 times per week (I add 1/2-1 cup epsom salt to my daughter's bath at every bath time- she is currently 7 years old).

     - Baths should not be longer than 20 minutes.

     - 1-2 cups epsom salt may be used.

2. Castor Oil Tummy Rub

 I recommend this to EVERYONE, no matter your age. 

     - Use an organic castor oil (glass bottle preferred)

     - Apply liberally to your child's abdomen and rub in a clockwise circular motion every night at bedtime (make this a part of your nightly routine, even when not detoxing from vaccines). My daughter does this herself after a bath as part of her nightly routine.

3. Liposomal Vitamin C (sodium ascorbate)

This is used as an antioxidant, free radical scavenger and detoxifier. See dosing instructions in the "supplementation around vaccination" section.

4. Vitamin D, DHA concentrated fish oil, zinc, and probiotics should be used with the above. 

Dosage recommendations are in the "supplementation around vaccination" section.

5. Encourage your child to sweat. 

Sweating opens up the skin's detoxification routes. Allow them to run around, play outside, soak up the sun, stay active. My daughter does a gentle form of hot yoga and LOVES it! 

6. VaxClear Detoxification Supplement

I formulated this organic herbal supplement for my daughter when she began vaccines. Each ingredient was chosen to either directly detox or support detox pathways. It is very gentle and can be used daily for detoxification support, even when not detoxing from vaccines. Like anything new, pay attention for signs of allergic reaction when introducing the VaxClear supplement for the first time.


VaxClear dosing begins at 10 lb. If your child should experience constipation or diarrhea, cut the dose in half or omit the product for now. Sometimes tiny tummies just aren't ready for detoxification support.


Each ingredient in our VaxClear supplement was carefully selected for their key functions:




● Chlorella Thallus (broken cell wall)

Binds Heavy Metals. Antioxidant. Immuno-Stimulant. Anti-Inflammatory. Chlorella’s immune-stimulatory effect, enhances natural killer cell activity and produces Th-1 cell-induced cytokines. Rich in iron, vitamin A, vitamin C, B-Complex vitamins, calcium, magnesium, zinc, antioxidants, amino acids, and essential fatty acids. Chlorella helps to detoxify and reduce constipation.

● Organic Turmeric Root

Anti-Inflammatory. Detoxifies the Liver. Turmeric is one of the most potent anti-inflammatory herbs, and is considered a “liver cooler,” prevents the liver from breaking down.

● Acerola Fruit

Antioxidant. Immune Protectant. Rich natural source of vitamin C, and also contains vitamin A, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin.

● Organic Cilantro Leaf

Anti-Inflammatory. Antioxidant. Binds Heavy Metals. Scientifically studied to safely reduce total body burden of lead and mercury.

● Organic Parsley Leaf

Immuno-Stimulant. Anti-Inflammatory. Rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, and naturally occuring folate (not to be concerned if you have MTHFR SNP). Helps to calm an over-stimulated immune response. Protects against oxidative stress and free-radical damage.

● Organic Burdock Root✧

Gentle Liver and Blood Cleanser. Supports the liver and elimination pathways. Protects against liver damage from toxic chemicals. Anti-inflammatory.

● Organic Milk Thistle Seed

Awesome Liver Protectant. Anti-Inflammatory. Milk Thistle Seed is one of the most important herbs to protect the liver from drugs, poisons, and environmental toxins.

● Organic Nettle Leaf✧

Anti-histamine. Nutritive. Powerful Th1-Th2 immune modulator used to calm Th2 dominant immune responses, such as aluminum and other heavy metals and environmental toxins.

● Organic Oatstraw Aerial Parts✧

Supports Nervous System Integrity. Oatstraw calms the nervous system and helps to reduce stress.

● Organic Rosehip Fruit

Antioxidant. Immune booster. Rich in vitamin C.



Special Interest Populations

For children with COMT and MTHFR mutations, I recommend the above detox appropriate for age as well as adding liposomal glutathione (or N-acetyl cysteine) and an activated folate supplement. 


For in depth guidance, please consult with your child's pediatrician, or schedule an appointment with me (Dr. Franzia).


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