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Tween & Adolescent

11 - 17 years old


Transitioning years…


A time of great change physically, emotionally, and socially.  They are learning to take on new responsibilities at school and home. They are no longer you little girl or boy, but they still need you! While your teen may be showing increased independence and skill building, they rely on you to help them with all of the new challenges they face.  

Click here for Dr. Roma’s information on Gut Health and Probiotics.

Additional Resources

from Dr. Roma

A Teenager's Journey

I have created this 30-minute video that I recommend ages 13 years or older to watch annually before their well visit. The video’s topics include:


Teenage Brain Development

The Female Body

The Male Body

A Sexual Relationship

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Sexual Development and Behaviors

Social Media

Texting and Driving

Teen Nutrition

Body Image and Self Esteem


Mental Health




I respectfully ask that this video not be shared beyond your household.

Enlighting A Teenager's Journey

Enlighting A Teenager's Journey

Watch Preview
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Dr. Roma's

Mindfulness Corner

Children of all ages can benefit from mindfulness. It can help parents and caregivers, too. Here are tips for children and adults of all ages for how to be more present. Click for tips.

Motivational Speech by Steve Jobs: Connecting the Dots

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